I am a certified Life Coach Practitoner
I was certified in the practice of Attunement in 1999.
I was certified in Reiki in 2020.
I offer energy work which is described on my other site:
Click Here
I am a Metaphysical Minister who honours all faiths. Ordained in 2024.
Licensed in Ontaro
Now living in Chatham Ontario
I am currently the Chief Financial Officer for the ManKind Project of Ontario Inc. Information on the ManKind Project can be found on the MKP Canada site:
Click Here.
I really like listening to drumming done by folks who can really drum.
A talent I do not claim.
My Mission:
“I create a safe place that all may come to, and be truly who they are, comfortably”
Places that I can be found on line (Rev. Wayne O’Keefe):
Bridal Confidential Trusted local wedding professionals across Southern Ontario!
Downloadable list of Ministers Registered in Ontario The government provides this very long list and it can be downloaded in different forms. It can then be searched by name or city. And I am there.
Ontario Metaphysical Ministers This is a rather long list of ministers in Ontario in alphabetical order. And I am there.
Ontario Metaphysical Ministers by City This is also a long list but ordered alphabetically by Ontario Cities. And I am there.
New Site for all Ontario Ministers. To be sorted by Cities in Ontario. And I am there.